TURNIGY 8-15A UBEC for Lipoly Power your receiver and servos with the baddest of UBEC power solutions.
The all new Turnigy 15 is an advanced switching DC-DC regulator which will supply a constant 8A or more with short bursts of up to 15amps! The Turnigy UBEC plugs into a 2 or 3 Cell Lipoly pack and supplies a constant 5 or 6v to your receiver.
Voltage status indicator lights on the pack show whether your 2 or 3 cell pack is Full, half charged or low. An excellent safety feature!
The system includes an anti-short circuit and overheat function with a thin metal shield cover, reducing noise
Also included is an Output filter to reduce noise, an on/off switch and a step down regulator adapter.
Output (Constant): 5v/8A or 6v/8A
Input: 6v-12.6v (2-3cell lipo)
Size: 42x39x9mm
Weight: 34g
Quiescent current: 60mA
Type: Switching, however because of the noise reduction (thin metal case & filter) this unit gives the same noise as a Linear BEC.
LED indicator (2 or 3 cell)
Full : 7.8~8.4v / 11.7v~12.6v
Incrimenting down to;
5.4~6.6v / <9.9v
Unit comes with full instructions.
Отзывы пользователей:
 | Роман Крупнин | ··· | 18.05.2012, 17:36 | ··· | |
 Летал на таком на своем 1.8м Яке, после летал на Рапторе 90, супермегаотличный бек (чего не скажешь об остальных турниговских). Вообще это клон известного бека HobbyWing 8A Ultimate BEC, схематехника которого давно себя зарекомендовала с положительной стороны. |  |