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| GAUI Hurricane EP550 STD Kit Instructions:
The Lightest-weight medium-sized EP helicopter.(Gas power 30 ~ 46 class)
Flying weight 1950g.
The best power to weight ratio gives excellent 3D capability .
The cheapest battery cost.( 2 packs 3S1P in series, even your stock batteries for 450 EP heli work fine)
Multi-stage gear reduction system results in a streamline cabin and canopy.
Push-pull linkages on ECCPM system limits any play for sharp control response.
Dupont plastic and fiberglass composite main frame.
Precision CNC anodized aluminum swash plate.
Fully equipped ball bearings.(43 bearings)
Seesaw head with bell-hiller system.
Only a short time needed for completion. (90% factory assembled)
Belt driven tail rotor.
Extensive CNC upgrade parts and option parts available.
Overall length: 1060mm (including cabin & canopy)
Main rotor diameter: 1110mm
Main blade length: 475~550mm
Tail rotor diameter: 222mm
Flybar paddle: 84*45*6mm
Tail blade length: 80mm
Overall height: 305 mm
Overall width: 85 mm
Motor: (Optional)
ESC: (Optional)
Flying weight: 1950g (It may vary according to size of a battery pack and R/C gears.)
Main rotor blades: wooden 500mm(included) or fiber(option)
Power selection:
This heli is two stage gear design. The gear rate is (61/19) and (42/x). The x is the number of piniot.
If you use 850Kv motor with 14T pinion. The gear rate is (61/19)x(42/14)=9.63
The rpm of motor about 22.2 x 850 = 18870. The max rotro speed will be 18870/9.63 = 1960rpm.
The real rotor speed will depend on your motor. Usually, the speed will be 85% of 1960.
Kit include:
Hurricane 550EP 85% Assembled Kit x 1
Light Weight 500 Wood Blase x 1
Note: The kit w/o Motor, ESC and Pinion
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