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Mini V-Bar V 5.2 Flybarless Stabilization System

18180 руб.
В корзину

Вес: 100 гр.
В наличии: 2 шт.
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Найдено в следующих категориях:
ЭлектроникаГироскопы и FBL системы
ЭлектроникаПолетные контроллеры

Aside from the nice new Blue case, the Mini V-Bar will also include Version 5.2 Express software and will be using new sensor technology.

Compatibility Notes:
- Mini V-Bar Blueline can ONLY be used with Digital Servos. Do NOT use with Analog Servos. Analog servos will be destroyed.
- The mini CD that is included with the Mini V-Bar will work only in standard tray-loading devices. Do NOT insert a mini CD into a slot-loading device, such as a Macbook. It will get stuck in there!

The Mini V-Bar is the worlds smallest and lightest 3-axis virtual flybar system. It is designed to fit any small indoor helicopter. Despite its size, the Mini V-Bar is equipped with top-quality sensors and will thus satisfy the highest performance expectations. When light weight is a priority, the Mini V-Bar is your best choice. New version 5.2 Express Software allows for simplified programming and very easy flight tuning!

The new Mini V-Bar is no longer limited to use in small electric helicopters! It can now be used in all electric model helicopters with only a few limitations. Do not use the Mini V-Bar in the following types of helicopters:
- Large Scale heli's
- Large Scale Helicopters with multi-bladed rotorheads (3+ blades),
- Custom built/self-made helicopters.

- Programming is done via Control Panel or via USB using the PC software.
- Satellite receiver integration - no more need for your primary receiver. All V-Bars can now use Spektrum satellite receivers.
- If using a primary receiver, Mini V-Bar is compatible with the following 2.4GHz receivers: Spektrum, Jeti, Fasst.
- Intelligent & intuitive new Version 5.2 Express software.
- New setup programming assistant.

- 3-Axis Gyro System
- Dimensions: 28 x 37 x 13 mm
- Weight: 11 g

- Mini V-Bar
- Version 5.0 Express PC Software
- USB cable
- Patch Cables: 3.1" For use with a primary receiver (if you opt NOT to use Satellites)
- 2-Sided Gyro Tape

Support site: http://www.vstabi.info/en

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